A collection of articles to help you stay safe while driving

These articles from State Farm® will help you and your car stay protected whether you're driving in town or on the open road.

Driving tips

Ways to make your traffic merging safer on roads

Travelers can drive defensively and take precautions to prevent merging collisions.

Attention teen drivers: Buckle up for seat belt safety

How you can help your teens make seat belt safety a habit.

Driving tips for traffic jams

Getting stuck in traffic is unavoidable sometimes, so here's how to be safer about it.

Avoid these risks or you may fall asleep at the wheel

Drowsy driving can impair reflexes and lead to disaster. Try these tips to stay alert.

Driving distractions and how to avoid them

Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous driving distractions, but here are some others.

Information about intersection rules and red light cameras

Running a red light is a bad idea, but in some places it can also mean a surprise ticket.

Night driving and headlight glare

A dangerous aspect of night driving is the blinding glare from oncoming headlights. Here are some ideas on how to help reduce headlight glare and some general night driving tips.

What drivers should be ready to do if they are pulled over

It's likely to happen, so advise your children what to do when pulled over by police.

Use less gas with these fuel efficiency tips

Regardless of the vehicle you drive, these techniques may help you save gas.

Texting while driving includes growing mobile web use

Texting while driving is not the only problem — drivers are increasingly using mobile web services.

Help make your commute safe and sane

Driving to work is a necessary evil for many. Try these hints for navigating rush hour.

Be alert at rest areas and choose stops wisely

Rest areas are convenient places to take a break. Here's some safety advice when pulling over at rest stops.

Preventing backovers and rearview safety

Here are some ways to help stop this scenario from happening to you.

Defensive driving tips

Defensive driving tips can help drivers take on the road safely

Staying safe at railroad crossings

It may be tempting to shoot across the tracks against the signal, but just don't risk it.

The real consequences of drunk driving

Injuries, loss of life, jail, lost licenses, higher insurance rates: Drinking and driving isn't worth it.

Can you drive safely in severe weather?

It's helpful to know how to drive safely in ice, snow, rain, fog and other inclement weather.

School bus safety tips

Whether it's back to school time or later during the school year, here are some tips about school bus safety rules for children, parents and school bus drivers.

Manual vs. automatic transmissions

If you're in the market for a vehicle and don't know what type to look for, this breakdown may help.

Safety tips for driving while pregnant

Seat belt adjustments and more safety tips to consider when driving while pregnant.

Quick steps to take if your gas pedal sticks

How to react if malfunctions or external interferences cause unintended acceleration.

Accident tips

What to do when your teenager has a car accident

A teenager’s first car accident can be traumatic. Consider these tips to help prepare your teen before an accident happens and what to do if one occurs.

Mobile help and quick tips after a car accident

Mobile apps allow you to alert your agent and your insurance company within moments of having a crash.

What to do when you hit a deer

Even if you're a vigilant driver, auto-deer collisions can happen. Learn what to do next.

How likely are you to have an animal collision?

What can you do to try to avoid hitting deer and other animals when driving on highways and roads?

How to avoid door dings in parking lots

Assess your surroundings when choosing a parking spot to avoid a dent or scratch.

What happens if your car is totaled?

Learn what goes into the decision and what your options are.

How to deal with parking lot accidents

It's only a common fender bender, but all parties involved should know what to do.

How to prevent car accidents in parking lots

Parking lot accidents happen all too often. Here's what you can do to help prevent them.

Sharing the road

Benefits and safety tips for Uber and Lyft

Ridesharing is a convenient and budget-friendly way to get around. These tips might help you stay safe.

Bike to work? Boost your commuting safety

Learn how to stay safe when you bike to work.

When renting bikes & scooters keep safety in mind

Before you rent a scooter, bicycle or other personal transportation device, learn electric scooter safety and bicycle safety rules.

Sharing the road with farm vehicles

Stay alert for tractors and other farm vehicles when driving in rural areas.

Safely share the road with large trucks

Sharing the road with big trucks can be nerve-racking. Here are some safety tips to consider.

Auto insurance questions

Can someone else drive my car?

Discover what happens if someone else drives your car and gets into an accident.

Tips for first time car insurance buyers

Getting car insurance for the first time? Here is what to know about policy terms, coverage and potential discounts.

What to do if your car has flood damage

If your car was partially submerged in floodwater, follow our checklist for assessing flood damage afterwards.

Cost of car insurance fraud

Car insurance fraud is costing us all. Look out for common types and learn how to help combat the issue.

When should seniors stop driving?

Take these steps to help plan a loved one's driving "retirement."

What is rental car coverage and how does it work?

Understand your coverage before buying insurance for rental cars.

What is telematics and how is it used?

Understand what this technology is and how it may help you get an auto discount for safe driving.

Car and driving safety

Put the brakes on aggressive driving

Keep an eye out for busy roads, stress, traffic jams and other dangerous driving conditions.

Avoid these risks or you may fall asleep at the wheel

Drowsy driving can impair reflexes and lead to disaster. Try these tips to stay alert.

How to use driver assist features safely

Assisted driving features are on the rise, but these technologies can't drive for you. Consider our tips for using this technology.

How to prevent car theft

From your keys to parking choice, there's more you can be doing to help prevent theft.

Protect your vehicle from gas theft

Check out these gas theft prevention tips to help keep thieves from stealing fuel from your vehicle.

Tips to avoid drinking and driving

Drinking and driving can result in serious injury, fatality, damage and legal ramifications. Protect yourself from the dangers of drinking and driving.

Additional auto articles

Buying an electric car

As you get ready to buy an electric car, we have some questions you can ask along with information about charging.

Should you repair or replace your car?

When should you fix it and when is it time to shop around?

Drive safely with pets in cars

Is your pet free-ranging in the car? Better check local laws and crate or tether her up.

Latest car safety features becoming must haves

Today's new cars are packed with safety features. But which are most important?

Buying the best child car seat

One of your most important parental purchases: the life-saving car seat

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm®. While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. The information is not intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. Nor is it intended to effect coverage under our policy. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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